
5th EUTERP Workshop and 15th European ALARA Network Workshop.

Education and Training in Radiation Protection. Improving ALARA Culture.

May 7-9, 2014

Hotel Lone, Rovinj, Croatia


5th EUTERP Workshop and 15th European ALARA Network Workshop.  


Previous EAN and EUTERP workshops have noted the importance of delivering effective radiation protection education and training to workers and other stakeholders. Consequently, this joint EAN-EUTERP Workshop considers how education and training programmes can be delivered effectively, to improve radiation protection in practice and disseminate ALARA culture.

The workshop will consist of presentations (oral and posters) intended to highlight the main issues, and a significant part of the programme will be devoted to discussions within working groups. Participants will be expected to produce recommendations on education and training issues, to be addressed to relevant local, national and international stakeholders.


Registered address : EUTERP Foundation, Westerduinweg 3, 1755 LE Petten, The Netherlands