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ENETRAP projects

ENETRAP II - European Network on Education and Training in RAdiological Protection

The overall objective of this 7th Framework Programme project is to develop European high-quality "reference standards" and good practices for education and training in radiation protection (RP), specifically with respect to the radiation protection expert (RPE) and the radiation protection officer (RPO). These "standards" will reflect the needs of the RPE and the RPO in all sectors where ionising radiation is applied.

The introduction of a radiation protection training passport as a means to facilitate efficient and transparent European mutual recognition is another ultimate deliverable of this project.

It is envisaged that the outcome of this project will be instrumental for the cooperation between regulators, training providers and customers (nuclear industry, research, non-nuclear industry, etc.) in reaching harmonization of the requirements for, and the education and training of RPEs and RPOs within Europe, and will stimulate building competence and career development in radiation protection to meet the demands of the future.

Specific objectives of the project are:

  • Develop the European radiation protection training scheme (ERPTS) for RPE training;
  • Develop a European reference standard for RPO training;
  • Develop and apply a mechanism for the evaluation of training material, courses and providers;
  • Establish a recognised and sustainable ERPTS "quality label" for training events;
  • Create a database of training events and training providers (including On-the-Job-Training) conforming to the agreed ERPTS;
  • Bring together national initiatives to attract early-stage radiation protection researchers on a European level;
  • Develop some course material examples, including modern tools such as e-learning;
  • Develop a system for monitoring the effectiveness of the ERPTS;
  • Organise pilot sessions of specific modules of the ERPTS and monitor the effectiveness according to the developed system;
  • Development of a European passport for Continuous Professional Development in Radiation Protection.

ENETRAP II website: