Qualitätsverbund Strahlenschutzkursstätten (QSK)

Contact details
website address: QSK
The QSK is an association of the main German course-providers with the objective to enhance and ensure a high quality of E&T in RP-courses. To reach that goal each member of the QSK has to assure that all requirements demanded by the German E&T guidelines are fulfilled and has to complete a quality audit at least every second year. Additionally, QSK-members meet twice a year to exchange information concerning RP and discuss new topics related to E&T.??
Information concerning the QSK can be found on the website, see above. This web-site is in German but it is easy to find a list of all QSK-members ("Unsere Mitglieder") and the RP-courses offered regularly by them. The link that is used most often is the course-finder ("Kursfinder"). As the German system of RP-courses is quite complicated even for Germans, we developed a course-finder that enables people to find the correct RP-course by answering a few questions. This course-finder could be helpful for persons from outside Germany to find the correct German RP-course if they are planning to work in Germany.?