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University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences - Laboratory of Radioactivity Measurement (UNSPMF-LIRA)

University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences - Laboratory of Radioactivity Measurement (UNSPMF-LIRA)

The University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF) is an accredited and complex educational-scientific institution comprising the following disciplines: chemistry, biochemistry, environmental protection, biology, ecology, physics, computer science, mathematics, geography, and tourism. The UNSPMF employs more than 600 staff and educates around 6000 students. The Faculty is a public, governmental and not-for-profit institution, fully committed to education, teaching and research. The UNSPMF works towards gaining new knowledge through research and education, career development of its staff, and attracting European and other external funding to achieve full integration into the European Research and Higher Education Area.

The main activities of the Nuclear Physics Group (NPG) in the Department of Physics, University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Serbia are:

Public services in radiation protection (gamma spectrometry, field alpha, beta, gamma, neutron dosimetry, non-ionizing radiation, radon)
Expertise in low-level alpha, beta and gamma spectroscopy (common high sensitivity direct, coincidence, anticoincidence methods for fundamental and applied research)
Investigation of rare nuclear events, double beta decay, cosmic ray physics, muon induced nuclear reactions.

The NPG has two accredited laboratories (Accreditation Board of Serbia, according international standard for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO/IEC 17025:2006, accreditation numbers 01-167 and 02-001).

The scope of accreditation for LIRA - Laboratory for radioactivity and dose measurements are:

- Dose measurements from the sources used in medicine and industry;

- Alpha, beta and gamma spectrometric radionuclide activity concentration measurement in: air, water, soil, human and animal food, industrial and building materials and general market items.

The scope of accreditation for the Laboratory for gamma spectrometer and source activity calibration is

- calibration of high resolution gamma spectrometers and

- calibration of gamma emitting radionuclides (point and voluminous sources).


Contact person : Professor Dr Nataša Todorovic

Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics

Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad

Trg Dositeja Obradovi?a 4

21000 Novi Sad


tel + 381 21 459 368