Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)

The CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) is a public research body assigned to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, focusing on energy and the environment and the technologies related to them. It has offices in several different regions of Spain, and its activity is structured around projects that form a bridge between R&D&I and social interest goals.
It collaborates with other R&D&I institutions, universities and businesses in the sector to transfer the knowledge and technology that it has generated, supporting and encouraging innovation and changing the economic model.
The CIEMAT took over from the old Junta de Energía Nuclear (JEN), which since 1951 had led research in nuclear fission energy production and control in Spain. In the nineteen-eighties, it opened up to new energy alternatives and to the applied study of the environmental impact of energy production. At present, the main lines of action are the study, development, promotion and optimisation of various sources : renewable energies, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission and fossil fuels; the study of their impact on the environment, development of new technologies; not forgetting areas of basic research such as high-energy physics and molecular and cellular biology.
The R&D&I activity is framed within national and international settings, and is complemented by activities such as education, technology transfer, rendering technical services, advising the governmental administrations and the representation of Spain in a diversity of international forums.
The mission of the CIEMAT is to contribute to sustainable development of the country and to the quality of life of its citizens through the generation and application of scientific and technological knowledge. Its goal is to maintain its position as a centre of excellence in energy, environment and technology and in basic research.
Its team of 1,328 people is technologically and geographically diversified. In addition to its central offices in Madrid, it has the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) in Andalucía, a scientific installation of international renown in solar technologies; in Soria, the Centro de Desarrollo de Energías Renovables (CEDER) and the Centro Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental (CIEDA); in Trujillo (Extremadura), the Centro Extremeño de Tecnologías Avanzadas (CETA), and in Barcelona the Centro de Investigación Socio-Técnica (CISOT).
The CIEMAT Knowledge Management & Training Division has among its functions the preparation and development on an annual basis of the Education and Training Program related to nuclear technology, radiation protection, renewable energies and the environment, that is, in the R & D areas of the center. This training program serves to transfer to society the research and knowledge of the CIEMAT and collaborating organizations such as the national regulatory body and the Spanish radioactive waste management agency. In addition, the program preserves the knowledge in these areas and also covers the training needs detected in society.
The program is aimed at knowledge management with the purpose of maintaining and developing key tools necessary to guarantee these competencies in the field of nuclear safety, radiological protection, renewable energies and the environment. The activities are taught in the three modalities of teaching, face-to-face, distance and mixed learning.
In the area of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Technology, the program covers all occupational training activities for professionals exposed to ionizing radiation, the course for the Radiation Protection Experts, for the Radiation Protection Expert Technicians in radioactive and nuclear facilities, Radiation Protection Officers, as well as the Master's degree in nuclear engineering and applications (MINA), Management or characterization of radioactive waste, dosimetry, detection and measurement of radiation, simulation by Monte Carlo methods with GAMOS / GEANT4 are the main fields of action. The CIEMAT also organizes training on demand to suit the specific training needs of the entities that submit a request.
MADRID: Moncloa Center
Avenida Complutense, 40
28040 (Madrid)
Tlfno: +34 91 346 60 00 (call centre)
Fax: +34 91 346 64 80 (central)
Email: contacto@ciemat.es