EUTERP newsletter issue 14 - June 2017
EUTERP - ENETRAP III database online
WP5 of the 7FP ENETRAP III project (nr. 605159 Fission-2012-5.1.1) developed a unique tool to gather all:
- E&T events (academic education, professional training courses, CPD, workshops, conferences,...)
- Opportunities (Internships, PhD and postdoc, On-the-job training, job opportunities,...)
- E&T providers
in radiation protection in Europe.
You can access the database via this website or via
Contributions to this database can be made as a EUTERP Associate or as a ENETRAP III project partner. All EUTERP Associates will receive instructions and a login in September this year. All other requests for contributions will be treated by the EUTERP Board and can be made by email to
This database will also be connected to the IAEA database, which will maximize the visibility of E&T events and opportunities in radiation protection. This feature is currently under construction by IAEA and ENETRAP.
ETRAP 2017 report
On May 30 to June 2, 2017, the 6th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection (ETRAP) was organised at the Campus of Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
ETRAP 2017 provided a forum for decision makers, regulators, educational and training providers and practitioners, researchers, radiation protection experts and persons from international organizations to discuss the current status of education and training in radiation protection. The conference welcomed 120 participants from 40 countries, and aimed to identify trends and good practices in the area while looking to the future so that society can continue to benefit from the many uses of ionizing radiation.
View the conclusions and recommendations from the President of EUTERP, Richard Paynter or download the ETRAP 2017 full papers in a single PDF file (16Mb) for both presentations and posters available on
EUTERP Workshop at IRPA '18
As noted in previous Newsletters, EUTERP is working with the Scientific Programme Committee of IRPA’18 to put together the E&T session for the conference. Good progress was made at the recent SPC meeting and we are delighted to be able to present an early preview of what we hope will be a thought provoking and productive session.
In keeping with the familiar EUTERP approach the session will be conducted along the lines of a workshop. The intention is to address just two core topics :
“Training for Radiation Workers”
“Evaluating the impact of training programmes”
These topics fit well with the overall theme of the conference of “Encouraging Sustainability in Radiation Protection”. For each, there will be a keynote presentation with the objective of summarizing the main issues, current concerns and known activity in the area, as well raising questions for the open discussion session that will follow the presentation.
While the workshop will not include submitted presentations, the EUTERP Board would greatly value input to the workshop in the form of posters, which would be available to reference throughout the session. Furthermore, the Board would welcome any observations or views on either topic in advance of the workshop in order to better inform the keynote presentations; please feel free to email if you would like to contribute to this discussion.
We hope that you that you will be able to join us in The Hague in 2018 !
Implementation of the BSS requirements on E&T in each country
The deadline for implementation of the BSS in each Member State is February 2018. The EUTERP intends to survey all its NCPs on the state of implementation regarding the education and training requirements in radiation protection. We plan to send this survey before the end of the year with a view to presenting the results as a poster during the IRPA Regional Congress to be held in The Hague next June. The Board will discuss the proposed survey questions at their meeting in August, and we would be pleased to use questions that you propose, please send these to the EUTERP secretary as soon as you are able.
CHERNE 2017 workshop report
The 13th annual workshop of the Cooperation for Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering (CHERNE) network was organized by the University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal from May 22nd to 25th. The CHERNE initiative is a proposal to develop a non-formal wide-scope open network to enhance cooperation, competence as well as equipment sharing between its partners. At the moment 23 institutions of higher education have joined this initiative. For details see
The event addressed all areas of nuclear and radiological engineering such as radiation protection, applications to industry, medicine and research, environmental radioactivity, nuclear fuel among other topics. A strong emphasis was put on education and training in these areas. For example A.Falcão from CTN-IST Lisbon gave an impressive overview of the actions and achievements of the 7FP ENETRAP III project. For more details see
Invitation to submit applications for travel grants and awards
In order to further the policy of developing and maintaining expertise in the radiation protection research community, CONCERT is offering a total of 10 000 € per year for travel awards to junior scientists. Support can be given for participation in a conference, a course or for an exchange visit to a laboratory, where this can be shown to be of value for increasing the applicant’s involvement and knowledge/skills in current European research in radiation protection.
The upcoming application deadlines are September 30 and December 30, 2017.
After each deadline a max sum of 2 500 € will be paid out to the top applicants. The maximal level of support per applicant is 625 €. The decision about support will be made within 15 days after the nearest application deadline. A flyer for distribution to potential candidates can be downloaded here.
EUTERP also provides support for its Associates in the form of discounts on workshop fees and other selected events. For details see the Benefits for Associates.
The benefits of certification
As the Executive Director of WINS, Dr Roger Howsley puts it “Looking at other industry sectors, each sector has professional standards and required certifications... so why not in the nuclear industry?” Consequently, WINS provides an examined qualification “Certified Nuclear Security Professional (CNSP) for professionals working in nuclear security.
The WINS Academy's certification programme design consists of a Foundation Module plus nine elective Modules. All participants take the Foundation Module and choose a minimum of one elective; the choice of the elective will most likely depend on the participant’s area of responsibility.
Once participants complete the Foundation Module and one Elective Module, they will have the option to sit for exams in one of over 5,100 local accredited test centres in 180 countries. Participants who successfully pass the examinations earn certification from WINS as a Certified Nuclear Security Professional (CNSP).
The programme itself is accredited to ISO 29990-2010, which recognises WINS’ efforts to create a high quality professional development training and certification programme in the field of nuclear security.
Should EUTERP, through collaborations, help its Associates to be similarly accredited for the programmes in RP E&T that they run for RPEs, RPOs and radiation workers? Let us knowyour view!
EFOMP examination board
The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) has established an Examination Board (EEB) to facilitate the harmonization of Medical Physics education and training standards throughout Europe. The EEB introduces the European Diploma of Medical Physics (EDMP) and the European Attestation Certificate to those Medical Physicists that have reached the Medical Physics Expert level (EACMPE). The EEB examinations are tests of excellence in Medical Physics. They are designed to assess the knowledge, skills and competences requisite for the delivery of high standard Medical Physics services.
For full details about the EEB, visit the EEB web pages.
ENETRAP III train-the-trainer module
Following the successful Train-the Trainer course set up under ENETRAP III in February this year, a further course, has been programmed for 9 to 13 October 2017. It will be held at the INSTN in Saclay, not far from Paris, France. This course will be in French (see the announcement) but further courses are planned for 2018 both in French and in English.
Further information about the course is available on the website of the INSTN where you can also register for the course. Please note that each course is limited to 12 participants to ensure the maximum benefit and those who were unable to participate in February have already been given first choice.
For further information about the course, contact Mme Floriane MARCUCCINI.
EUTERP website updates
In addition, the Library content has now been sorted into Topic areas to make it easier for you to find the references that you need. Additions to the Library are welcome at any time. We have also introduced, very recently, a section on e-learning. If you know of webinars, videos, slide content or other e-learning links, do please let us know.
Following the survey about the EUTERP News headlines on the Home page, we are continuing to produce these with direct dissemination to the EUTERP Foundation LinkedIn group where there are items of particular E&T interest. If you would like to receive these occasional shared items, do not hesitate to sign up. However, rather than produce a monthly summary, the Newsletter itself is seen as the best way to distribute news to all those interested in E&T in RP. The News headlines can be read at any time by following this link to see what you have missed.
The Board is happy to report that visits and usage of the EUTERP website has doubled in the last 12 months. Please keep spreading the news amongst your colleagues!
Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) joins the EUTERP as a new Associate
The Board is delighted to report that the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) has agreed to join as an Associate to taste the benefits, which if in accordance with their aims, should result in a long-term association. The IPEM is the UK Learned Society and professional organisation for physicists, clinical and biomedical engineers and technologists working in medicine and biology, with the aim to advance physics and engineering applied to medicine and biology for the public good.
This brings the total number of active EUTERP Associates to 22.
Journal of Radiological Protection (JRP) Highlights 2016 available
The Journal of Radiological Protection (JRP) has made openly available until the end of 2017, those articles described as highlights of RP publications in 2016. Much interesting reading is available to download.
The JRP is the official journal of the SRP, a EUTERP Associate.
Upcoming events
4th ICRP symposium and 2nd Radiological protection research weekOctober 10-12, 2017Disney Business Centre, Paris, France
The programme will include the following topics:- Effects, Risks, and Detriment at Low Dose and Low Dose-Rate
(in collaboration with MELODI) - Advances in Dose Coefficients
(in collaboration with EURADOS) - Advanced Radiotherapy: Benefits and Radiation Protection due to Developments in Imaging, New Technologies, and Stratification
(in collaboration with EURAMED) - Post-Accident Recovery
(in collaboration with NERIS) - Integrated Protection of People and the Environment
(in collaboration with ALLIANCE)
Registration is online available at: - Effects, Risks, and Detriment at Low Dose and Low Dose-Rate
- 5th European IRPA Congress
Encouraging Sustainability in Radiation Protection
June 4-8, 2018The Hague, The NetherlandsIn the previous EUTERP Newsletter, we announced the 5th European IRPA Congress in the World Forum, The Hague, the Netherlands, to be held from 4 to 8 June 2018 and hosted by the Dutch Society for Radiation Protection (NVS). IRPA congresses are major events where all professionals involved in radiation and radiation protection matters (e.g. education and training) gather to exchange knowledge and experience.
The preparations for the scientific programme are well under way. Currently – while waiting for abstracts to be submitted, the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) focuses on the organization of scientific side events. A major side event will be the next EUTERP workshop, to be held on Wednesday afternoon, 6 June, and referred to in the previous EUTERP Newsletter as ‘Education & Training Refreshers’. Other side events will include the RICOMET 2018 meeting and most likely a joint meeting on NORM of NORM-conference organizers.
We also recall the fact that the European associate societies will have the opportunity to nominate a candidate for the Young Professional Award (YPA). On Thursday afternoon, 7 June, all candidates will present their work. If you are young and in the first decade of your career in Radiation Protection, and intend to submit your abstract to the congress, contact your national IRPA Society for national arrangements necessary to be nominated as a candidate!
Registration has opened in March 2017 and we welcome your abstracts from now on (deadline 1 November 2017). Detailed information is available in our 2nd Announcement that can be downloaded from our website or can be found in our ETRAP conference contribution. Register now, and pay the very early bird fee or – in case your are a Young Professional or Student – a reduced fee (both subject to limited availability).
I look forward to welcome in June 2018 in The Hague!
Hielke Freerk Boersma
Read all about this congress and the role of EUTERP on our website.
Congress President 5th European IRPA Congress
NVS Board Member for Congress Affairs