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National Contact Points (NCP)

National Contact Point United Kingdom

Public Health England (PHE)
Contact details
PHE-Operational Services
Oak Park Lane
West Yorkshire
LS16 6RW
Tel 0044 113 2127401

Joanne Stewart has a BSc in Physics with an MSc in Medical Physics. After a brief a spell as a medical physicist in diagnostic radiology she joined (the then) NRPB in 1986 working primarily in the areas of radiation protection consultancy and training. She is currently Head of RAdiation Protection Services at PHE. Mrs Stewart is a certificated Radiation Protection Adviser (the interpretation of the Qualified Expert in the UK) and has been heavily involved in PHE’s’s radiation protection training activities over the years with responsibility for the development of training standards and input into the PHE-wide strategy on radiation protection training. She has been a contributor to a number of European and IAEA training projects and events over the years and currently sits as the UK representative on the IAEA’s Steering Committee on Education and Training (Chairperson 2013 and 2014). She has been involved in all three ENETRAP projects and is a EUTERP Board member.