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NERIS - European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery

The mission of the NERIS Platform is to establish a forum for dialogue and methodological development between all European organisations and associations taking part in decision making of protective actions in nuclear and radiological emergencies and recovery in Europe.

The objectives of the Platform are to contribute to:

  • Improving the effectiveness of current European, national and local approaches for preparedness concerning nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Promoting more coherent approaches in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery throughout Europe.
  • Identifying gaps and needs for further developments in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Addressing new and emerging challenges in the field of preparedness for nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Maintaining and improving know-how and technical expertise in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery among all interested stakeholders in Europe.
To achieve the above objectives, the Platform will:

  • Establish a forum for dialogue between European, national, regional and local authorities; technical support organisations (TSOs); operators; professional organisations; research institutes; universities; non-governmental organisations (NGOs); consultants, national and local stakeholders.
  • Initiate and support through partnership working European, regional, national and local activities and projects in preparedness for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Initiate and coordinate networking activities to share experience, to contribute to a better harmonisation in Europe, to promote maintenance, development and adaptation of existing tools and methods for nuclear or radiological emergency response and recovery.
  • Ensure a supranational training programme by stimulating continuation of the training courses developed during the EURATOM 6th Framework Programme, launching of new training courses and workshops/exercises according to the needs of all the various actors.