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IRPA – International Radiation Protection Association

The primary purpose of IRPA is to provide a medium whereby those engaged in radiation protection activities in all countries may communicate more readily with each other and through this process advance radiation protection in many parts of the world. This includes relevant aspects of such branches of knowledge as science, medicine, engineering, technology and law, to provide for the protection of man and his environment from the hazards caused by radiation, and thereby to facilitate the safe use of medical, scientific, and industrial radiological practices for the benefit of mankind.

IRPA promotes excellence in the practice of radiation protection through national and regional Associate Societies for radiation protection professionals. Education and Training (E&T) is a key factor in establishing effective national radiation protection programmes. The IRPA E&T Plan has three objectives:

  • cooperation with international and regional organizations dealing with E&T in Radiation Protection;
  • internal stimulation of E&T by organizing discussion forums during IRPA Congresses; 
  • stimulation and support to the organization of E&T activities either by IRPA or by its Associate Societies.
IRPA encourages its members to undertake common E&T activities by two or more Associate Societies; to promote E&T networks between Associate Societies sharing language or having regional proximity; and to activate the emergence of activities to attract young generations to the profession.