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ENEN Association – European Nuclear Education Network

The ENEN Association is a non-profit international organization established on 22 September 2003 under the French Law of 1901.

Its main objective the preservation and the further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training. This objective should be realized through the co-operation between universities, research organisations, regulatory bodies, the industry and any other organisations involved in the application of nuclear science and ionising radiation.
The general goals of the ENEN Association are defined as follows:
With respect to the Academia:

  • to develop a more harmonized approach for education in the nuclear sciences and nuclear engineering in Europe;
  • to integrate European education and training in nuclear safety and radiation protection; and
  • to achieve better co-operation and sharing of academic resources and capabilities at the national and international level. 
With respect to the End-Users, such as nuclear industries, research centers, regulatory bodies and nuclear applications:

  • to create a secure basis of skills and knowledge of value to the EU;
  • to maintain an adequate supply of qualified human resources for design, construction, operation and maintenance of nuclear infrastructures, industries and power plants; and
  • to maintain the necessary competence and expertise for the continued safe use of nuclear energy and applications of radiation and nuclear techniques in agriculture, industry and medicine.