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MELODI – Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative

MELODI is an European Platform dedicated to low dose radiation risk research. In 2010 MELODI was founded as a registered association with 15 members.
The purpose of MELODI is:

  • to propose R&T priorities for Europe in its field of competence 
  • to seek the views of stakeholders on the priorities for research, keep them informed on progress made, and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge.
  • to interface with international partners like WHO and IAEA.

Based on the outcomes of the yearly MELODI workshops a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) is being progressively developed. To assure an open and vivid discussion and development of the SRA the contribution from a large number of scientists and stakeholders is needed.

In parallel to the SRA a statement on a short- to medium-term research agenda for R&T projects is developed to improve the scientific basis for radiation protection in Europe giving guidance for pending EURATOM R&T project calls.

MELODI has a working group dealing with education and training. Michèle Coeck of SCK•CEN and Annemarie Schmitt-Hannig of BfS, both EUTERP Associates, are member of this working group.