National pages

The Netherlands

Current system of E&T of RPEs and RPOs in the Netherlands

In recent years, the Education and Training system for Radiation Protection Officers (RPOs) in the
Netherlands has changed significantly because of the implementation of the European Directive
2013/59/Euratom. The training programs are much more application specific than before. For
Radiation Protection Experts (RPEs), the new system has not led to significant changes. For Radiation
Workers (RWs) there is no formal system in place.

A brief overview of the changes of the system of Education and Training for RPEs and RPOs are
given in this document.

Short summary of the system of E&T in Radiation Protection

In the Netherlands, there are two different levels of education and training in radiation protection for
RPEs: one for coordinating experts, and one for ‘general’ coordinating experts usually acting as RPEs
for license holders with many and/or high risk applications.
For RPOs, there are nine different application specific programs, some of them divided into two or
three levels, depending on the risk of the application.
Finally, there are three training programs for medical professionals (radiotherapists, radiologists and
other medical specialists) who are not responsible for the radiation protection of employees or the

Learning outcomes for E&T Programs

Current learning outcomes for the training of RPEs and RPOs are based on guidance documents
produced by relevant stakeholders. First of all, there is a document Eindtermen Stralingsbeschermingsdeskundige Basis.pdf ( that describes the learning outcomes for RPEs on the level of coordinating experts. There is s similar document Eindtermen (Top) Stralingsbeschermingsdeskundige Top def.pdf ( regarding the learning outcomes for the RPEs on the level of general coordinating experts. For some of the RPO programs, English versions of the guidance documents are available. This applies for the training of RPOs in the field of unsealed radioactive materials and of measurement and control applications.

The documents for the unsealed sources (RPO for dispersible radioactive material) describe the
training depending on whether the activity levels involved are designated as Level C  (medium risk) English - Concept Eindtermen TD-VRS (niv C) final rev HF.pdf ( or Level D (low risk) English - Concept Eindtermen TD-VRS niveau D final rev.pdf ( For Level B (high risk) sources, the required training is equivalent with the RPE
training of coordinating experts.

For the RPO for Measurement and Control applications (RPO MC) a change in legislation took place
in 2022 based on the guidance document for RPO MC X-ray devices eindtermen-mr-t-uk.pdf ( on one hand, and RPO MC Sealed sources eindtermen-mr-b-uk.pdf ( on the other.

List of training institutes or general webpage(s)
Training providers for these levels are government approved institutes. They can be found on the
website of the Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS) [in Dutch]:
Register erkende opleidingsinstellingen stralingsbescherming Nederland | Aanvragen en melden | Autoriteit NVS

Courses for RPE (coordinating expert, former level 3) can be followed at:

- NRG, Petten NRG Academy | Ensuring Nuclear Performance

- Delft University of Technology, Stralingsonderwijs TU Delft Stralingsonderwijs

- University of Groningen - Groningen Academy for Radiation Protection (GARP) Radiation protection education | Groningen Academy for Radiation Protection | University of Groningen (

- Radboud UMC Nijmegen / RADschool Stralingsonderwijs en RADschool - Radboudumc

The RPE Course for general coordinating experts (formerly known as level 2) can be followed at the
Delft University of Technology.

Accreditation body
In the Netherlands RPEs are registered for a period of 5 years. Registration is conducted by the Dutch
Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS).
(Mutual) recognition
Requests and questions about (mutual) recognition of foreign documents should be addressed to the
ANVS Home | Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (

Revised 29th April 2024